Preparing for your audition.

by OAS Team

Don’t you just love it when you open your email inbox and see those exciting bold words in the subject line that say, “Audition Request”?

No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, you quickly find a quiet place where you can read through the audition details without interruption, because you know that the nervous rush of excitement your feeling means you’ve been another opportunity to show your work.
As an actor, auditions can be a nerve-wracking but they are also an essential part of the job. Being well-prepared can help you feel more confident and give you the best chance of landing the role. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for an audition:
  1.  Familiarize yourself with the material. Whether it’s a script, a monologue, or even a song, make sure you know the material inside and out. It’s important to know and understand the context of the scene and the relationship between the characters. Understanding this will help you make informed choices about your character and bring them to life in a believable way. Make sure to read the script or scene multiple times highlighting any key words or phrases that are important and practice the material over and over until you can perform it without hesitation.
  3. Research the character. If you’re auditioning for a specific role, take the time to research the character. Understand their motivations, backstory, and relationships with other characters. If you are not given this information, create it yourself by making strong, bold and interesting choices that will help you bring depth and authenticity to both your character and your performance.
  5. Create a backstory for your character. In addition to understanding the character’s background in the script, create your own backstory for them. Regardless of the type of acting style or method you have adopted, having a some kind of backstory can help you get into character and make your performance more engaging.
  7. Practice with a friend or acting coach. Having someone else read the other lines in a scene can help you get a feel for the dynamics and pacing. Practicing out loud and opposite someone will not only help you memorize your lines, but it will also give you a chance to listen and experiment with different interpretations of the character and find your own unique take on the role. Working with an acting coach can also be very valuable and provide you with crucial feedback that can help you fine-tune your performance.
  9. Take care of yourself. Auditions can be stressful, so make sure to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Get plenty of rest, eat well, hydrate, and exercise to help reduce stress. Meditate or do some deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves before the audition.
It is also crucial for actors to stay positive and believe in yourselves. Auditions can be intimidating, but it’s imperative to remember that everyone has their own unique strengths and abilities. Try not to psych yourself out or convince yourself that you don’t fit a role, because sometimes even the casting directors and producers don’t know what they are looking for until they see it. By staying focused and confident, you can give your best performance and make a lasting impression whether it’s in the room, or on the screen.
Preparing for an audition takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. So take the right steps to set yourself up to give the best, most confident and authentic performance you can give because doing so will not only impress the casting directors but it can ultimately lead to exciting opportunities down the line and success in your careers.
Good luck & break a leg!